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Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 21:33 pm
by JayRobertson
Dont know if im at the right place but point me away if i'm not and sorry for wasting anyones time.

My friend made an msn bot that connects through mIRC.

And recently i cant get it to authenticate my bots email address.

On working order it would read.
<23:14> * MSN Bot DLL Loaded.. Version: 1.1
<23:14> * -
<23:14> * Updated in 2.433 REALTIME seconds
<23:14> * Updated in 2.433 REALTIME seconds
<23:15> * Authenticated: on socket: MSNB>8021386ZV

And then it would appear online.

I tried different emails.. Still same outcome.
Not sure if a new DLL is required due to some update by msn.
My first thought was that msn have changed the authentication process in some way ?

In the cxbot it is as follows for startup :

on *:START:ud | .timer 0 10 chkMSN

if ($1 == UPDATE) {
if ($2 == REGS) {
save_Cookies $$3 $$4 | Prnt Updated $3 in $calc(($ticks - $gettok($6,2,58))/1000) REALTIME seconds
if ($5 == NOTE1:MSNBOT) { bDLLc sndOpen $3 }
else { return }
if ($1 == MSNBOT) {
if ($2 == ECHO) { Prnt $2- }
if ($2 == AUTHED) { Prnt Authenticated: $$3 on socket: $$4 | bDLLc sndOnline $+($4,>AUTHED) }

I can send a copy of the bot to anyone who thinks they may be able to help me.
Thank You In Advance !

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:00 am
by JayRobertson
This Is What I Have So Far

on *:START:ud | Prnt Poison1c3 created by Poison1c3 <2007> | set %vers The current version is 3.0. | Prnt %vers | ; Do not remove this line

if ($1 == UPDATE) {
if ($2 == REGS) {
save_Cookies $$3 $$4 | Prnt Attempting to login into the Poison1c3 service with your id
if ($5 == NOTE1:MSNBOT) { bDLLc sndOpen $3 }
else { return }
if ($1 == MSNBOT) {
if ($2 == ECHO) { Prnt $2- }
if ($2 == AUTHED) { Prnt Successfully logged into the Poison1c3 service with: $$3 | bDLLc sndOnline $+($4,>AUTHED) }
if ($1 == MSNBOT1) {
if ($2 == ECHO) { Prnt $2- }
if ($2 == AUTHED) { Prnt Successfully logged into the mass add with: $$3 | bDLLc sndOnline $+($4,>AUTHED) }
on *:SOCKOPEN:MSNB>*:bDLLc sndInit $sockname
var %a,%s = $sockname,%m = $sock(%s).mark | sockread %a | tokenize 32 %a
;echo -a %s - %m - %a
if ($1-3 == XFR 30 NS) { bDLLc doStage1 %s $4 %m }
if ($3-4 == TWN S) { bDLLc sndAuth %s $$get_Cookie(%m) }
if (CHL 0 == $1 $2) { bDLLc sndPong %s $3 }
if ($1 == RNG) { bDLLc srtConvo %s $2- }
; if (NLN == $3) { Prnt Online, user: $nck_Rep($5) $_B($4) }
if ($1 == LST) {
;Prnt List, user: $iif($3 == $2,$_B($2),$nck_Rep($3) $_B($2))
; WPrnt %m MAIN: $1-

on *:SOCKOPEN:MSNBCONV>*:var %s = $sockname, %sw = sockwrite -n %s | tokenize 32 $sock(%s).mark | %sw ANS 1 $1 $3 $2 | sockmark %s $1 $4

var %a,%s = $sockname,%m = $sock(%s).mark
if ($sockerr > 0) { return } | :nextread
sockread -f %a | tokenize 32 %a
if ($sockbr == 0) { return } | if (%a == $null) { goto nextread }
if ($1 == MSG) { set %mbEmail $2 | set %mbName $nck_Rep($3-) }
if ($isAdmin(%mbEmail) == 1) { var %adm = 1 }
if ($right($1,1) == :) { return }
if ($1 == MSG) && (@ isin $2) { return }
wPrnt @Poison1c3 %mbEmail $iif(%adm,[ ! %atype ! ]) : $$1-
var %f = $ulFile
var %userlevel = $readini(%f,%mbemail,Level)
if (%userlevel == 0) { var %atype = P }
else if (%userlevel != 0) && (%userlevel == 1) { var %atype = R }
else if (%userlevel != 0) && (%userlevel != 1) && (%userlevel == 2) { var %atype = B }
if ($1 $2 == ANS 1) {
if ($isAdmin(%mbEmail) == 1) {
sndCMsg $sockname FN=Comic%20Sans%20Ms;EF=;CO=808080;CS=dd;PF=22 [c=17]C0D3[/c][c=4]Warez[/c] Welcome to C0D3[c=4]Warez[/c] version 1.x ~ Bot Will Now Be Online 24/7 With Massadd Fully Working. :-* - There is no prefix anymore! $+ $crlf If you havent allready, download Msn Plus! ~ It will make the usage of the bot far easier. $+ $crlf [c=4] If You Want The Owner Of Forums Email Address Type The Command Owners.[/c] $+ $crlf [c=1] Error %mbEmail This is my old addy, add Poison1c3@Codewarez.Org!x. [/c] }
if ($1 == MSG) { set %mbEmail $2 | set %mbName $nck_Rep($3-) }
if ($isAdmin(%mbEmail) == 1) { var %adm = 1 }
if ($right($1,1) == :) { return }
if ($1 == MSG) && (@ isin $2) { return }

if (%adm != 1) {
var %m = $mid($$1,1), %n = $2-
set %AL == 3
if (%AL == 3) { var %lvl = Normal User }

;3 = normal user
tokenize 32 %n

write Logs\Adminlog.txt %mbEmail [Not Admin] : %m $1-
var %u_FC = $msg_GetUserFontStr(OWNERSEMAIL)
var %sndStr = sndCMsg %s %u_FC PosionIce
if (%m == HELLO) || (%m == HEY) || (%m == HI) || (%m == WHO) || (%m == WHOS) || (%m == FREEZE) || (%m == SAY) || (%m == VIEW) {
sndCMsg $sockname FN=Comic%20Sans%20Ms;EF=;CO=808080;CS=dd;PF=22 [c=1]Sorry[/c] [c=1] %mbEmail but your not an admin therefore i won't accept your commands. [/c] }

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 17:47 pm
by andyc
I assume this uses a DLL?

Has it stopped working recently?

MSN haven't changed their authentication protocol for a few years - do you have any source code of the dll?

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 0:32 am
by JayRobertson
Yes It Uses A DLL Called "MSN msger bot.dll" I Have The Files But Im Afraid I Dont Have The Source Of That DLL.

Yes About 2 Days Ago The Bot Just Stopped Signing In. Other People I Know With A Copy Of It Are Recieving The Same Problem.
The Files Havent Changed In Any Way They Havent Been Tampered With So It Has To Be At Msn Side.
I Couldnt Think Of Anything Else That Would Cause The Bot To Fail When Authenticating And I Dont Know Of Any Changes Made To Msn In The Past Few Days That Would Cause This.

Any Suggestions Or Ideas Would Be Better Than What Ive Managed To Come Up With

Thanks :)

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 13:22 pm
by andyc
I can't think of anything that may have happened, no.

I'll check to see if Microsoft have changed anything though.

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 15:23 pm
by JayRobertson
I have been told that i now have to use
XML soap requests ?
im not really sure how to go about this. ill try reading a bit about it

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 15:25 pm
by andyc
They're wrong! :wink:

Look up the MSNP8 protocol, as used by Windows Messenger (not Live Messenger). This still works and doesn't use XML.

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 18:23 pm
by JayRobertson
if i uploaded a copy of my files could you look at them if you have time.
id try myself but im a little unsure how to go about it.

if not its cool anyway thanks for the help

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 20:55 pm
by andyc
It's the dll source that's the important bitthat may be broken. Unfortunately without the cource code of the dll noone will be able to help. :(

Re: Help With Authenticating MSN

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:39 am
by JayRobertson
okay thanks alot with your help anyway i will upload my files anyway for a share for anyone who feels the urge to try and do something creative with it.

but thanks alot with the help you gave me thanks :) great support