show email when user logs in

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show email when user logs in

Post by Struzball »

does anyone know how to show the email when someone logs in
ie, Nickname ( has just signed in.

it would be helpful because everyone changes their name all the time, so i have ot go in the messenger window and look through the list to find that user name to see who it is.


Post by pred »

find this line:
echo -a 7 $+ $gettok(,4-,32) has logged on.
would be nr. 177 or something like that.
Change the 4- in this gettok and the one in the line underneath to 3-, so it would be:
echo -a 7 $+ $gettok(,3-,32) has logged on.
aline @Messenger $timestamp 7 $+ $gettok(,3-,32) has logged on.

Post by pred »

this is a bit more like you wanted it to be:

echo -a 7 $+ $gettok(,4-,32) (4 $+ $gettok(,3,32) $+ 7) has logged on.
aline @Messenger $timestamp 7 $+ $gettok(,4-,32) (4 $+ $gettok(,3,32) $+ 7) has logged on.