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fonts and address list (to Andy & other scripters)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 20:23 pm
by ziphax
I have Estonian charset, but some of the characters are still not working - my 'questionmark' looks to others like somekind of r ..and the names in the address list are mostly freaky - if it includes some special characters
- so I don't know on what it depends charset setting or a font itself.. because I'd like to use Fixedsys.

now about the address list. I suggest to change places with the nick and msn address like this:

Code: Select all

'<> blabla' instead of 'blabla <>'
- because there is no possibility to scroll horizontally. Mostly we know our friend's address?

P.S why I can't see multilined text? I thought that this bug is fixed in this version .. :/
greets to Andy